Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday to My Little Girl!!

Today is my little girl's 6th birthday and I want to wish her the happiest day!! When I found out I was having a baby so close to my oldests son's birthday, we told the doctor we wanted to wait until my due date to have her (scheduled c-section) so their birthdays would not be in the same month (she was due August 9th). My doctor laughed and said, "this is your 5th baby, I would be surprised if you go to your due date", but we decided we would try. True to form, this little girl came over 2 weeks early, arriving only 5 days after her big brother's birthday. This was a sign of many interesting times to come with this busy little girl!!

So in honor of her birthay I would like to list 6 reasons why I truly LOVE having a girl:

1) She is so fun to spend time with, we read together, paint nails, watch movies, I love it!

2) She is a girly girl, but she will still get out and play rough with the boys.

3) She is so daring and brave (she jumped off that 10 foot platform in the middle of the Boise River!!)

4) She has a beautiful smile and a contagious laugh.

5) She gives the best hugs and loves everyone.

6) She stands up for herself, she won't need her brother's protection when she dates, she will have no problem protecting herself!!

She is such a sweet girl, and we all love her so much. She has a strong personality but that just makes us love her all the more for her spirit. I am so thankful she joined our family 6 years ago, she truly revolutionized the Fenn Home!! Happy Birthday Baby!!!!


"The Queen in Residence" said...

So hard to imagine that it has only been 6 years since we were making that blessing dress. That was truly hillarious but turned out so cute. Happy Birthday Breezy!!! It was a fun party.

Lorell said...

She is growing so fast! I still remember when we got pedicures right before she was born. Happy late b-day to her and congrats to you!

Rochelle Brunson said...

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the super yummy zucchini bread. It is so yummy that my boys think its cake!

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