Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy 17th To My Guy!!

I can't believe he is 17!!!! It seems like only yesterday I was being wheeled into the hospital truly terrified of becoming a mom but so anxious to meet this little stranger who had been kicking me for literally 6 months straight! So in honor of him and all of his accomplishments I would like to list 17 little or maybe well known facts about my first born son in no particular order-
1. He was born in Santa Monica, California.
2. He hasn't always been such an easy going kid, he was a terrible toddler!
3. He loves his siblings and protects them even if he is hard on them.
4. He is a great student although he doesn't kid himself enough credit.
5. He is an amazing musician, he plays the trumpet and is teaching himself guitar and piano.
6. He loves to sing and is in the school and church choir.
7. He can solve a rubik's cube in 1 minute 29 seconds.
8. He used to think girls had cooties, until his sister was born!
9. He would love to serve his mission in Brazil.
10. He's awesome at Guitar Hero.
11. He's a great skate boarder and snow boarder.
12. He is a dare devil which can get him into trouble or land him in the ER!
13. He is a neat freak - you should see how organized his room is.
14. He had his Eagle Scout rank at 14!
15. He loves music, he maxed out our hard drive with songs on I-Tunes!
16. He's a hard worker and does so much for our family.
17. He is the most awesome son and is such a good example to his siblings!
We love you buddy!! Happy Birthday, we are so proud of you!!!


"The Queen in Residence" said...

I remember when he was a little munchkin and look at him now. You guys did good with him, it is fun to see all the things that he is accomplishing. Happy Birthday Skyler, many many more!!!!

Lorell said...

Sounds like you've done a super job and like you've raised a true gentleman. Congrats to you and Happy b-day to him!

Starnes fam said...

Love all of the pictures! What a sweet tribute!