Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coloring the Easter Eggs!

It's always fun to sit back and watch what my kids create when they are given free reign of my kitchen with messy egg dye and hard boiled eggs. This year the "cyclops egg" was very popular, no doubt a throw back from their recent obsession with "Percy Jackson". This tradition begs the question though, "Why do we dye eggs at Easter time?" What does this have to do with Easter or Spring or anything? It's a fun tradition but I wonder every year who came up with this idea. Were the ancient Egyptians sitting around when they suddenly said "Hey hard colored eggs is the way to bring on Spring". Just a thought. I love to spend these times with my kids and it makes me pause to wonder how I'm going to do with Skyler gone next year although as you notice he's not in the pictures since he was working the night we did this, he is gone so much already. I guess it is preparing me to allow him to spread his wings and leave the "nest". Sigh....