Monday, January 26, 2009

I can't believe he's 14!

It's amazing to see your first one grow up so fast, but when the second one grows up just as fast, it never ceases to blow your mind!
My second boy is now 14. He is such a fun kid (notice the shades he is wearing-just in case the flames from the candle were too bright). He had a great birthday, new cell phone, rip stick, games, etc. He also got to go with his 3 nutty friends to see "Inkheart". I love to celebrate my kid's birthdays!!


Jamie and Lindsey said...

Wow, what an old guy! Fourteen just sounds so far off for my kids but I am sure the time is going to fly. I love the picture with the shades, to funny!

Shandy said...

he's sure one cool guy! what a fun, festive cake! and 14! wow!

ps: I don't know how I missed your post on going to Beauty and the Beast - but cute pics and I'm glad you guys had a fun time!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

He is too cool for words. I love it kinda reminds me of Risky Business, pre-weird Tom Cruise. He is so gonna be in the movies some day.....
Glad that it was a great day. Any comments on Inkheart?

Amber said...

Looks like he had a great birthday. You are such a great Mom. You do not look old enough to have a 16 and 14 yr old either.

Busy Lady said...

An answer for the Queeen in Residence - I didn't go to the Inkheart movie with them so I don't have a first hand comment, but my hubbby said it was good and I would have loved it, so now I want to go.

Rochelle Brunson said...

you don't seem old enough to have a 14 year old, or one older!! That is crazy!