Friday, January 9, 2009

Never a Dull Moment!

I was going to post the Christmas pictures but we have already done so many things since then that it seemed kind of silly. My 3rd little guy just turned 11 on New Year's Eve (yes, he was my baby new year in 1997). He is growing up so fast and I can't seem to slow him down. Son number 4 has to promise to be my baby boy forever!
We had my little guy's party on December 30th and he had a great time with about 10 of his friends, playing video games, watching movies, eating lots of junk food, you know - the works! Then the next day we had a New Year's Eve party. We usually have a big bang with tons of people but we kept it kind of small this year, things are just kind of overwhelming for me this year. Since the party is always on his birthday, my son thinks that this party is a must have, so we did it but on a much smaller scale this year. Some of my really great friends came and one that I have been friends with for almost 14 years (she is pictured above with me). Our kids were just babies when we met and look at them now! My little girl is pictured with another friend's baby because if there is a baby within 100 yards she wants to hold it. She almost dropped this one though, that was a little scary!
Last night we went to Pack Meeting for cub scouts and it was my 11 year olds last time as a cub scout. He has graduated into Boy Scouts! He received his Arrow of Light which is the highest rank you can achieve in Cub Scouts (similar to the Eagle in Boy Scouts but on a much smaller scale). We were very proud of him! He ran right to the bathroom after the ceremony to watch the war paint off of his face though. Too funny!! I had to end out with a picture of my son and one of his best buds who he has known since we moved to this house. Such fun times, but truly never a dull moment in this busy family!!!

1 comment:

Shandy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and congrats on the Arrow of Light! that's really neat :)

looks like he had quite the bash going on with all those boys :) What time on New Year's Eve was he born? I'm sure you know... but August has the same birthday (one year earlier) and came at 11:47pm (yep.. barely made the tax deduction for 1996 - LOL)