Monday, January 12, 2009

Tale as Old as Time

Grammy sent money for Christmas for all of the kids and while the boys put their money towards "electronic" type purchases, my daughter and I decided to use ours to go and see "Beauty and the Beast". We went with my friend and her daughter (the girls are good friends) and it was a fun evening to be out just as "the girls". We laughed and cried and really enjoyed the characted "LeFou" the most, he was hilarious. We love Starlight Mountain Theatre, they do such a good job and we especially appreciate their winter performances because they are all right here in Boise.


Jamie and Lindsey said...

I would love to go to something like that. How do you always hear about these things?

"The Queen in Residence" said...

What fun you had and he Belle looks so real, like the moviey-cartoony person. Did little miss loose a tooth?