Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun with the Fenns

Whether it's baskets from the Easter bunny, coloring eggs with Mom, hunting for eggs at Grandma's house, or just eating dinner with the cousins - there is never a dull moment with the Fenn kids. These kids will do anything for candy! They will climb trees, hop fences, or dig through a weedy garden to find those colorful eggs filled with candy.
Our tradition is for the older ones to hide the eggs while the younger ones find the eggs. We leave it up to our kids to decide when they are too old for the hunt and they usually decide around 12 years old. So this year we only had 3 egg hunters, but the older boys had a blast hiding the eggs where it was quite difficult for the littler ones to find them. They were on top of the grape arbors, in trees, hiding on top of and in the hedges, and of course in the weed filled garden of yester year. I think the "egg hiders" have more fun than the "egg finders" but it is just great to watch the whole process and of course capture it on film!!


Jamie and Lindsey said...

Ilove that picture with all your kids, it looks great. Breanna looks so sweet hugging her little bunny.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I love Breezy's dress. Look at all those fine young men. Looks like you had a great day, Happy Easter.