Saturday, May 2, 2009

Women's Conference 2009!

Each April for the past 4 years I head down to Utah to go to BYU Women's Conference and meet my BFF to have some much needed girl time and rejuvination.

This year was awesome, the weather was beautiful, the classes were amazing and I am refreshed and determined to be a better wife, mom, and person.

I have some pictures here of our dorm room and the cute sign that the Queen made to put on it. It was a riot to come down the hall and feel like I was walking into Hawaii (we even had a Scentsy in our room that made the whole hall smell good which was great because we were in the men's dorms again with the urinals and all!). It was great fun, we talked, we laughed, we read our books, and just enjoyed the few days we had to finally remember what our names are (yes, we have names besides "mom"). I can't wait for next year!!! Hopefully we can drum up a bigger group for next year, anyone up for some girl fun?

1 comment:

"The Queen in Residence" said...

That was so much FUN!!!!!! I am sad that it is over with, why does the fun stuff go so fast? You look great but next time photo shop the drowned rat look from me - okay and then erase about 50 lbs so I look as good as you.

Thanks for all the fun, WC would not be the same without my BFF and run away pennies. he he haa