Monday, July 28, 2008


My husband's family was here for a few days and we finally got a picture with all of the cousins in it (except the one that is being born right now!) It was a late night and we were at it until midnight, but we got the pictures. It was fun to spend time with the cousins and all of the aunts and uncles and grandma. We went to Eagle Island and went swimming, had lunch in the Basque district and did a carne asada/chile relleno night at Grandma's house. Family is so fun and we wish we all lived closer so we could spend more time together, but being far away makes the time together even more special!
This family picture was quite the effort. The timer kept going off before the "photographer" got into the photo. It was too funny! The result, a family picture with all 22 members in it.

1 comment:

Jamie and Lindsey said...

How cool! I can't belive how much Bobby's sister looks like him. . .I am guessing that's his sister anyway.