Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Exciting Times!

First she wore her dad down until he let her get her ears pierced and then she felt confident enough to ride her two wheeler without training wheels. Such exciting times! So much for a mom to handle in a week, she needs to slow down a little bit or I am going to feel like she will be off to college soon. She looks so cute with her little flower earrings though! I worried if she was old enough or responsible enough for it all but she is the one who reminds me to clean her earrings 3 times a day. She also remembers to wear her helmet on the bike (even if she has been reminded a few times) and now that she has a helmet that fits her (the one in the picture was bit big) she puts it on and buckles up every time. My little girl is growing up!


Jamie and Lindsey said...

Wow, ears pierced. . . we havn't even been asked for that yet. I am so glad because I am not sure what I'd say. I feel like they are so grown up when they get their ears pierced. I bet she looks so cute in her little flowers.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Way to go, such a proud moment. I see that they finally figured out how to do it all at the same time, I think the way we had to get it done was real torture.

Glad to see that you got your pictures up and running. Send me some fo the ones that you had son#2 take of us.

Shandy said...

aaahhhh! that's like a year of milestones squeezed into 1 week!!

how cool that she's now a 2 wheelin' riding beauty (with jewels on her ears!) how fun!

Erika said...

Awww..She is so cute. I can't believe how big your kiddies are getting. Thanks for the Christmas card. Didn't know you had a blog too.
