Monday, December 1, 2008

I got tagged

10 years ago I was
1) Living in an apartment
2) Busy with 3 very little kids
3) Managing an apartment building-yikes!
4) Dreaming of a house
5) Happy!

5 things on my "To-do" list today
1) clean the fish bowls
2) take the kids to the dentist
3) water the plants
4) make the gingerbread house with the kids
5) Laundry (the daily grind!)

5 snacks that I enjoy
1) Carmel with a little apple dipped in
2) Pretzels
3) Popcorn
4) Girl Scout cookies
5) Anything chocolate

5 things I would do if I was a millionaire
1) Pay off student loans
2) Pay off my house
3) Share with both families (mine and his)
4) Take a Disney Cruise with my husband and kids
5) Give a bunch to my favorite charities

5 jobs I have had
1) Dental Assistant
2) Secretary
3) Human Resources Manager
4) Teacher
5) Mom (by far my favorite)

5 places I have lived
1) New York
2) Texas
3) New Jersey
4) California
5) Idaho

5 people I tag are
1) Jen
2) Jamie
3) Shandy
4) Stacie
5) Amber


"The Queen in Residence" said...

So do I count as family when you win the lottery. I sure hope to read and learn more about you.

Shandy said...

LOVED THIS! loved learning more about you!
and Yummmm - my mouth started watering when I read your favorite snacks!!! LOL