With our first son, he was in the 3rd grade before he even had a loose tooth and we had to read "Arthur's Tooth" many times to show him that he wasn't strange and everyone has their own time schedule for lost teeth.
Now fast forward, 4 boys later, none of which lost any teeth before 2nd grade. It has become a legend in the Fenn household that Fenn's just don't lose their teeth early. Along comes the princess, the only girl, and of course the one child who truly walks to the beat of her own drummer. She is in Kindergarten and in November she loses her first tooth. The boys about lost it, they were so mad, but they chalked it up to the fact that it must be a fluke. Now we are in March and she has lost her second tooth. Needless to say, they are livid and they now believe that the legend of Fenn's losing their teeth later is a bunch of baloney. She is paving a new trail and now the older ones think she may lose all of her teeth before they do!!
That's to funny, I bet Breanna loves all that attention. She is right there with Alise, two teeth down and two loose right now.
That is funny, She probably loves being the odd one out. I hope the tooth fairy makes her happy!
So cute! She looks so proud to have lost another tooth. All my kids so far have lost their teeth early. Jonathan got his first one out when he was 3. It was very strange. Just one day it was hanging there. His second one he got elbowed by a guy and knocked it out when he was almost 5. Super strange!
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