Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An Invitation to Homecoming

My oldest son is a Senior this year and he is determined to live it up this last year of high school. Homecoming is about a month away but he wanted to make sure that this special girl did not get invited by someone else. So he got on the ball and asked early. He wanted to make a grand gesture and decided to fill her room with balloons. He purchased over 500 balloons, but after he and I filled 200 and put them in both of our cars to transport them, we realized that we were at our maximum so off we went.
Her mom laughed as we filled her room as much as we could and then hung the sign that read "We will have a ball if you go to Homecoming with me" and then below in smaller writing it said "pop the balloons with the x's on them to find out who". He put his name in one of the balloons and in the rest "not this one" and "keep looking". It must have been loud in her house as she was popping all those balloons to figure out who invited her. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see all of that!!!


Jamie and Lindsey said...

Very cute! It brings back memories of my youth. So I am dying to know who's room is this? Or do we have to wait until she says yes?

Rochelle Brunson said...

Me and my husbands first date was to a school dance, senior year. We've been together ever since......just sayin'.

Karla said...

That is so cute. I had always heard of things like this growing up but living in the east no one did them. First time I actually saw it was when I went to Ricks. That must have made her day.

Lorell said...

Reminds me a little of the balloon popping scene in "The Single's Ward." Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! It's another piece to the puzzle...LOL! Seriously, though, how fun for the girl he is asking. I hope they have fun!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Lorell I loved that one too. I think I need to dig out that movie or go get some helium balloons. So cute that he did this. I sure hope that senior year is the best for him and you too....