Friday, September 5, 2008

Blog Award!

This is so funny to me because I think my blog is so blah! My good friend from Utah decided to give me an award and I will take it. It is so rare when I get an award!

Here are some people that I would like to nominate for a blog award.

My sweet friend Jamie whose blog is always so fun and she even includes slide shows of her kids.

My friend Jen whose blog cracks me up with all of her funny stories about her family (except for maybe the one where her husband had a compound fracture on his foot - that was a little gross but very interesting!)

My friend Julie whose blog is both educational and fun to look at and she is just such an awesome person to know.

My friend Staci who finds the most interesting pictures to put on her blog even pictures of people she doesn't know, but they are always funny.

Finally the woman who gave me the award, she is so awesome and her blog boggles the mind, because you never know what you will find. Today she had pictures of her botched hair do from the beauty school, now that is brave! We need to get you an appointment with TJ, Queenie!

Now nominate your friends and come and get your award from my blog!


"The Queen in Residence" said...

Hey you did it!!! Hooray!!

I loved getting and giving this award and now look how spiffy your blog looks.

Now we just need to show you how to link so you have the ladies link in your post. It is that green devil looking button on the posting screen, by the bold and italics, and color options. Try it out...

Things are a cooking down here and I am not just talking about the brownies.

Julie said...

Nicole, do you have some cool friend named Julie that I don't know?