Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Kids Are Amazing

My kids just love to dress up, every Sunday they jump out of bed and say, "yeah mom we get to put our Sunday clothes on!" Okay, can you hear my voice dripping with sarcasm? My kids despise getting dressed up. What they love more than anything is an old t-shirt and ripped jeans. What kid doesn't?! Well today, we went down to the green belt and had our family pictures taken. Christmas is around the corner and I want to me sure we got the pictures taken outside before it gets too cold. So if there is one thing my kids dislike more than dressing up, it is taking pictures. Once when they were little and we took pictures at Sears, Skyler knocked Kyle off of the table they were sitting on and we had tears for over an hour! They were so good about taking their pictures today though. We got them done in under a half hour and they even posed for me in front our house when we got home. They are so awesome!


Jamie and Lindsey said...

How cute, matching shirts and all! I over heard you today talking about the person who was suppose to be taking your pictures, I'll have to get that info from you. Glad it went so well.

Shandy said...

ok.. I'm so impressed that not only did they get dressed up (in the outfits YOU wanted them in...) and get photos taken... but then they came home and posed again! good job lady!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Look how good they look. I can hardly wait to see the professional ones. Thanks again for the weekend.....I am sure we will be there again soon. :)