Thursday, October 9, 2008

Preschool at the Patch

Although it was absolutely freezing today, we had a field trip to the pumpkin patch for my preschool class. Who knew it was going to freeze overnight? We had shorts on a few days ago and now it is parkas, hats, and gloves. Yikes! The kids were such troopers though. We were riding on the hay ride to see the pumpkin patch and all of the animals and they were saying, "Teacher, this is fun" while their teeth were chattering. They were all very independent about picking out their own pumpkins and we ended up with one that looked a little more like a gourd. I love their independence!!
They are such a fun group and are really starting to get the routine down. We have gone from a rag tag motley crew to a true preschool class in just two short months. Aren't they adorable? I just love them! All of the hugs and "I love you teacher" just make my day. Thanks to the fantastic parents who braved the cold to come with us, you ladies are my heroes!


Shandy said...

well it just wouldn't be the same field trip to the patch if it was WARM outside - LOL
I'm still in awe that with everything you do each day! kudos to you woman!
the preschool class looks like a great bunch of little ones :) and great pics of the patch :)

"The Queen in Residence" said...

What a riot. I can just hear the chattering teeth. We are still in shorts and windows open at night, but that just meanst that it is coming. :)

Jamie and Lindsey said...

They look so cute out there all bundled up! Preston said he had a great time.

Starnes fam said...

Thank you for taking the kids to the made me kick the warmer clothes into gear! While you guys were there I was off buying Parker a warmer coat and gloves! Now we are prepared for the cold days to come!