Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Carving late into the night

Even though it was almost 9:00 when we got home from the Simmons going away party last night, we began our pumpkin carving. Monday is the only night that we are together as a family these days (some one is running in another direction every other day of the week). So as tradition holds, I let my children weild knives and work drills to carve their masterpieces.

My oldest carved a sinister face, my second boy made his look like "The Joker" on the new Batman movie (even with the bloody scars), the third son gave his a hat and made him a "gangster", my youngest just made a cute face and my little daughter carved her whole face (she needed a little help with the mouth) by herself. They all put their creativity into the project. What other night do I allow my children to stab something with a carving knife? They loved it! For anyone who hasn't discovered the tool that you connect to your drill to "de-gut" the pumpkin, it is worth it's weight in gold. No more yucky hands for me!

The kids were exhausted by the time we finished (thus the reason why my daugher is bawling in the group picture when the pumpkins were complete). It was difficult to get up this morning for school, but hey - Halloween only comes once a year right?!


Shandy said...

what a super cool mom you are!!
knives, drills, late nights... who WOULDN'T want to be a Fenn???
awesome! they look really great!!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I was like what is son #2 holding??? With the size of your pumpkins I was wondering what you were going to do with the guts. And son #3 what is up with the gangster stuff? Complete meltdown huh? Too much fun. We will be doing that on Thursday night. No school on Friday, I could just kill the district.

Jamie and Lindsey said...

I saw those this morning, they looked great!